Firth Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Polymer and Colloid Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield

Prof. Steve Armes obtained his BSc degree in Chemistry from the University of Bristol in 1983 and received his PhD degree from the same institution in 1987. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, he accepted a lectureship at Sussex University in 1989 and was promoted to a personal chair in 2000. He moved to Sheffield in 2004 to become Professor of Polymer & Colloid Chemistry.

He is currently Director of the Sheffield Polymer Centre and also serves on the board of Farapack Polymers, a University spin-out company. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2014 and became the first UK scientist to receive the DSM Materials Science Award in 2016. Since then, he has been awarded the 2017 ECIS-Solvay Prize, the 2018 RSC Macro Group Prize for outstanding achievement, the 2018 Royal Society Armourers and Brasiers’ Company Prize, the 2020 RSC Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award, the 2020 SCI โ€˜Innovation in Formulation Awardโ€™ and the 2021 Sir Eric Rideal Lectureship (a lifetime achievement award).


  • Royal Society/Wolfson Research Merit Award (2005-2009)
  • RSC Macro Group Medal for Polymer Science (2007)
  • RSC Peter Day Award for Soft Matter Research (2010)
  • RSC Tilden Medal (2013)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society (2014)
  • RSC Interdisciplinary Prize (2014)
  • RSC/SCI Thomas Graham Lecture (2014)
  • German Colloid Society/Springer Colloid and Polymer Science Lectureship (2015)
  • DSM Materials Science Award (2016)
  • European Colloid and Interface Science (ECIS) Solvay Prize (2017)
  • RSC Macro Group Medal for Outstanding Achievement (2018)
  • Royal Society Armourers and Brasiers’ Company Prize (2018)
  • RSC Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award (2020)
  • Society for Chemical Industry โ€˜Innovation in Formulation Awardโ€™ (2020)
  • Sir Eric Rideal Lectureship (2021)